villa turkey
22 October 2024



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This accessibility policy was last updated Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Web Standards

The website has been designed and developed to the standards laid down by the World Wide Web Consortium. Links are provided at the foot of each page to verify that the page you are viewing is XHTML and CSS compliant. This site uses cascading style sheets for visual layout. This site uses only relative font sizes, compatible with the user-specified "text size" option in visual browsers. If your browser or browsing device does not support styles sheets at all, the content of each page is still readable.

For the best experience when using this website it is recommended that you are using a modern web browser that supports web standards correctly, such as the latest versions of Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape, Safari or Opera. If you are using Internet Explorer it is advisable to upgrade to the very latest version although this site has been fully tested on Internet Explorer version 6 without problems. Apple Macintosh users should use Firefox, Safari, Mozilla or Opera. You may experience minor problems when using Internet Explorer on the Macintosh which are faults of the browser and not this site. Microsoft are no longer supporting this particular browser on an Apple Mac system, which is why we recommend a standard compliant browser instead. Linux users should use the latest version of Konqueror or a Mozilla based browser.

Accessibility Features

A number of measures have been taken to make this website more accessible to people with disabilities. We are committed to helping people with disabilities use this website easily and we would welcome any comments or suggestions that would enable us to improve upon the following measures we have taken.

Changing the text size via your browser settings

Follow the instructions below to increase the text size with the most common browsers. Please note however that some pages will not appear correctly in non-standard font sizes.

MS Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher (PC)

To increase the size of the font, from the menu bar, select 'View', then 'text size', then pick 'Larger' or 'Largest'.

To change this back, select 'View', then 'text size', then pick 'medium'.

Firefox 1.0 or higher (PC & Mac)

From the menu bar, select 'View', then 'Text Size' and then 'Increase'. If you would like it larger still, you can repeat these steps as required. To change this back, select 'View', then 'Text Size' and then 'Normal'. Netscape Navigator/Communicator 8.1x (PC)

From the browser menu bar, select 'View' and then 'text size'. Select your desired text size. To change this back, simply repeat these steps. Changing screen resolution

Our site has been designed for a screen size of at least 800x600. Reducing the resolution of your screen will increase the size of the text for all programs, not just your web browser or our web site.

For Windows Users:

From the start menu select Settings and Control Panel. In the Control Panel window, select Display, and then select the Settings tab. In the desktop area section of the Display Properties dialogue box, move the slider marker to the left. This will effectively increase the text size.

For Mac Users:

Choose System Preferences from the Apple Menu then select the Displays icon. Under the Display tab, select your screen resolution and the screen will automatically change to your desired size. Skip to Content

Each page contains a Skip to Content link which takes you to the beginning of the content area, bypassing the page navigation. This link is only visible if cascacding style sheets are not used or if the "Text Only" style sheet is selected.

Structured Documents

The website has been developed so that all content and presentation markup is separated. All pages have been written so that they are structured documents made up of headings, sub-headings, paragraphs and lists that can be read logically by screen reading software used by blind or visually impaired people.

The title and alt attributes have been applied to all links and images within the website to provide further help and guidance when necessary. Purely decorative graphics with either include null alt attributes or will be set as a background image. Additional labelling markup has also been used to assist where data is provided in tables or forms.

Access Keys

Access keys are keyboard shortcuts which allow the user to navigate around the website without having to use a mouse or other pointing device. All sections of the website are accessible by using keyboard shortcuts, the particular access key for each section is stated within the title attribute.

Windows users can press ALT + AccessKey number + ENTER, Macintosh users can press CONTROL + AccessKey number.

Firefox users may need to press ALT + SHIFT + AccessKey number.

Here is a list of the Access Keys that you can use to navigate the Chartham WI website:

  • 1 Home Page
  • 6 Locality
  • 7 Things to do
  • d Change text size to default
  • m Change text size to medium
  • l Change text size to large
  • t Change page style to text only
  • 0 Accessibility Help (this page)

Secondary navigation

  • Contact Us
  • Accessibility
  • Privacy

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